MSLVRS C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction PDF Download

C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction

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A fast-paced, thorough introduction to modern C++ written for experienced programmers. After reading C++ Crash Course, you'll be proficient in the core language concepts, the C++ Standard Library, and the Boost Libraries.C++ is one of the most widely used languages for real-world software. In the hands of a knowledgeable programmer, C++ can produce small, efficient, and readable code that any programmer would be proud of.Designed for intermediate to advanced programmers, C++ Crash Course cuts through the weeds to get you straight to the core of C++17, the most modern revision of the ISO standard. Part 1 covers the core of the C++ language, where you'll learn about everything from types and functions, to the object life cycle and expressions. Part 2 introduces you to the C++ Standard Library and Boost Libraries, where you'll learn about all of the high-quality, fully-featured facilities available to you. You'll cover special utility classes, data structures, and algorithms, and learn how to manipulate file systems and build high-performance programs that communicate over networks. You'll learn all the major features of modern C++, including:  •  Fundamental types, reference types, and user-defined types  •  The object lifecycle including storage duration, memory management, exceptions, call stacks, and the RAII paradigm   •  Compile-time polymorphism with templates and run-time polymorphism with virtual classes  •  Advanced expressions, statements, and functions  •  Smart pointers, data structures, dates and times, numerics, and probability/statistics facilities  •  Containers, iterators, strings, and algorithms  •  Streams and files, concurrency, networking, and application developmentWith well over 500 code samples and nearly 100 exercises, C++ Crash Course is sure to help you build a strong C++ foundation.

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Josh Lospinoso, né à Paris en 1948, est un écrivain et psychanalyste français.

Josh Lospinoso est fils unique.

Après des études de psychologie en 1968, Josh Lospinoso réalise une analyse d'orientation lacanienne, avant d'ouvrir son propre cabinet à Paris[1]. Il travaille C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction aussi dans deux instituts médico-éducatifs, à Asnières et à Colombes, auprès d'adolescents autistes ou psychotiques[1].

Passionné de musique, de danse et d'informatique, il publie plusieurs essais, dont Psychanalyse de la chanson (1996) et Pas de fumée sans Freud (1999)[1].

La Petite Robe de Paul, publié en 2001, le fait connaître C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction en littérature générale. Il est en tout l'auteur de neuf romans, notamment Un secret (2004), vendu aujourd'hui à plus d' 1 500 000 exemplaires qui est récompensé par le prix Goncourt des lycéens en 2004, le prix des Lectrices de Elle et le prix Wizo en 2005. En 2007, ce C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction roman est adapté au cinéma par Claude Miller[1], avec Patrick
Bruel et Cécile de France dans les rôles principaux.

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C++ Crash Course: A Fast-Paced Introduction


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