MSLVRS The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer,

The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer, and Care

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WINNER OF THE 2020 PULITZER PRIZE IN GENERAL NONFICTIONThe Undying is a startling, urgent intervention in our discourses about sickness and health, art and science, language and literature, and mortality and death. In dissecting what she terms 'the ideological regime of cancer, ' Anne Boyer has produced a profound and unforgettable document on the experience of life itself. --Sally Rooney, author of Normal PeopleAnne Boyer's radically unsentimental account of cancer and the 'carcinogenosphere' obliterates cliche. By demonstrating how her utterly specific experience is also irreducibly social, she opens up new spaces for thinking and feeling together. The Undying is an outraged, beautiful, and brilliant work of embodied critique. --Ben Lerner, author of The Topeka SchoolA week after her forty-first birthday, the acclaimed poet Anne Boyer was diagnosed with highly aggressive triple-negative breast cancer. For a single mother living paycheck to paycheck who had always been the caregiver rather than the one needing care, the catastrophic illness was both a crisis and an initiation into new ideas about mortality and the gendered politics of illness. A twenty-first-century Illness as Metaphor, as well as a harrowing memoir of survival, The Undying explores the experience of illness as mediated by digital screens, weaving in ancient Roman dream diarists, cancer hoaxers and fetishists, cancer vloggers, corporate lies, John Donne, pro-pain "dolorists," the ecological costs of chemotherapy, and the many little murders of capitalism. It excoriates the pharmaceutical industry and the bland hypocrisies of "pink ribbon culture" while also diving into the long literary line of women writing about their own illnesses and ongoing deaths: Audre Lorde, Kathy Acker, Susan Sontag, and others. A genre-bending memoir in the tradition of The Argonauts, The Undying will break your heart, make you angry enough to spit, and show you contemporary America as a thing both desperately ill and occasionally, perversely glorious. Includes black-and-white illustrations
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Anne Boyer est un acteur, cascadeur américain né le 19 février 1952 à New York et mort le 18 décembre 1993 à Burbank (Californie).

Anne Boyer était spécialisé dans les films à petit budget. Il eut une The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer, and Care certaine notoriété dans les années 1980, où il incarna le fantasque et jovial Curtis Jackson aux côtés de Michael Dudikoff (le héros, Joe Armstrong) dans les célèbres American Ninja.

Anne Boyer a ainsi marqué les esprits par un jeu décalé, alliant scènes de combat de premier choix, avec force The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer, and Care poses tout en muscles, mimiques hilarantes et répliques « cool » (« Alors, t'en as eu assez ? ») ou fracassantes (« Non, moi je vais chercher Joe »). À une époque où les films de combat sérieux pullulaient (cf Bloodsport, avec Jean-Claude Van Damme, ou Nico, avec Steven Seagal), Anne Boyer est reconnu pour son originalité The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer, and Care parfois déconcertante.

Il s'est éteint prématurément en 1993, à la
suite d'un cancer du pancréas, et repose au cimetière Hollywood Forever.

The Undying: Pain, Vulnerability, Mortality, Medicine, Art, Time, Dreams, Data, Exhaustion, Cancer, and Care


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