MSLVRS Killing November PDF Gratuit Télécharger Livre

Killing November

Killing November Livre | telecharger Killing November epub | Adriana Mather Killing November pdf telecharger


From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of How to Hang a Witch comes a thriller set at a secretive boarding school where students are trained to carry on family legacies that have built--and toppled--empires. Think Umbrella Academy with teenage assassins.November is as good as dead. She just doesn't know it yet.At the international Academy Absconditi, there's no electricity, no internet, and an archaic eye-for-an-eye punishment system. Classes range from knife throwing and poisons to the art of deception. And the students? All silver-spoon descendants of the world's most elite strategists--training to become assassins, spies, and master impersonators. One is a virtuoso of accents--and never to be trusted. Another is a vicious fighter determined to exploit November's weaknesses. And then there's the boy with the mesmerizing eyes and a secret agenda. November doesn't know how an ordinary girl like her fits into the school's complicated legacy. But when a student is murdered, she'll need to separate her enemies from her allies before the crime gets pinned on her . . . or she becomes the killer's next victim. From New York Times bestselling author Adriana Mather comes the first book in a thrilling new series that will leave you breathless.
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Angèle Delaunois est une romancière et auteur pour la jeunesse québécoise née à Granville en France, le 17 novembre 1946. Elle est arrivée au Québec en 1968 et obtient MSLVRS Killing November PDF Gratuit Télécharger Livre la citoyenneté canadienne en 1976.

Elle a obtenu un baccalauréat en arts plastiques de l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières et y travaille ensuite pendant dix ans comme chargée de cours.

Elle a participé à la revue Protégez-vous, en particulier dans leur édition annuelle sur les jouets. Depuis janvier MSLVRS Killing November PDF Gratuit Télécharger Livre 1998, elle est directrice littéraire des collections destinées à la jeunesse aux Éditions Pierre Tisseyre.

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